Quality control at Avenue Health

Avenue Health will have systems in place to ensure quality is maintained with infrastructure and risk management to meet medical and surgical operating standards.

Infrastructure and Risk Management
  • Body protected electricity supply with residual current detectors, sealed lighting, uninterrupted power supply (UPS) and generator back up with capacity to run key areas of the facility for up to 6 hours. Surge protection and self contained single point unit (SPU) emergency lighting and signage. 16amp (single and 3 phase) and 32amp power for medical equipment. Electrical load control monitoring via the BMS.
  • Nurse, emergency, distress call and CCTV monitored security system. Person to person contact systems.
  • LED lighting in clinical areas with colour rendering to assist accurate skin tone assessment. Additional Waldmann magnified lighting and ceiling mounted wide field examination lights. Daylight control in all areas with high wall windows and automated interstitial blinds.
  • Reticulated medical gases in all patient areas fitted with an automatic manifold changeover system (4 and 7 bar air available in operating rooms). Anaesthetic gas scavenging and vacuum plant complete the medical gas systems delivered via pendants in operating rooms.
  • Washer decontaminator, cavity instrument cleaner and high capacity 250li steam autoclave with backup. Water quality maintained via a water softening plant.
  • Climate control and air handling systems with humidification modulation and high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration installed in operating rooms and the central sterile supply department sterile stores (CCSD). Air quality control in these areas with positive air pressure (laminar flow), minimum 20 air changes per hour (ACH) with up to 50% fresh air mix mode changeable via operating room (OR) touch panels.
  • Pathology laboratory with Leica UV cryostat, eye station, slide preparation bench, fume cupboard extract and microscopes. A procedure room with high level boost extract fan and additional point to point extract for CO2 laser smoke plume.
  • Fire protection with sprinkler system, smoke and heat alarms, fire rated walls with smoke and acoustic sealing. Three fire separated zones with strobe illuminated evacuation pathways.
  • Seismic structural safety standards met with steel braced building construction on cement crust stabilisation.
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Health and Safety
Workplace health and safety has never been more important, with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 requiring businesses to take a pro-active approach to health and safety, and placing an emphasis on accountability for employers and directors.  

Avenue Health was built in 2015 and meets the Building Act 2004.
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Cosmetic and Self Funding Patients
Avenue Health will provide a cost effective environment for many cosmetic surgical procedures. This provides significant benefit for patients who are uninsured or self-funded.

To assist in cost effectiveness, the Avenue Health approach embraces modern advances which minimise the requirement for longer sedation and general anaesthetic procedures.
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DHB, ACC, Foundation Funding
Avenue Health provides treatment for ACC-funded patients as well as some services on behalf of District Health Boards (however patients need to be referred by their local DHB to be eligible).
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Insurance Providers
Avenue Health is a Certified day-stay facility (accredited to NZS 8164:2005 Day Stay Surgery and Procedures) and can provide surgical services as required by insurers. This third-party independent auditing process demonstrates that Avenue Health meets (and often exceeds) the required industry standards.
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Credentialed Medical Personnel
All medical specialists working at Avenue Health are credentialed by the organisation to ensure that patients are receiving services of a high standard.
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Credentialed Nursing Personnel
All registered nurses employed by Avenue Health have advanced training, work with an expanded scope of practice and are credentialed to undertake specific procedures.
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